Anakins’ lightsaber!

Anakins’ lightsaber!


I was born in the final year of the 20th century. I live in a small city, which is located at 119deg 35' 18" E, 39deg 55'54"N. Where I live for more than twenty years is extremely near the sea, or the Pacific Ocean, on the top of this page. Watching Orion rising above a vast expanse of sea, wow, is beyond my words.



My name is written as 徐晨. In China, Xu is my family name and Chen is my first name, so I'd like to introduce myself, as Xu Chen, not inverted Chen Xu. The reason why I was named this, is that my father's family name is Xu and my mother's family name is Chen. That's simple, right?

Follow Me

Zhihu(知乎) is a Chinese Q&A platform like Quora. Sometimes I wrote scientific answers on it just for fun. Also, document my orthodontic experiences. Welcome to follow @astroR2!

Some of my information could be found on Zhihu, such as…

Why do you want to learn astronomy?

Good question! Here is my full answer: 你为什么选择天文学? - 知乎 (

Short answer: This man!


Do you like Star Wars?

Of course, I’m a Star Wars fan!!!

星战粉都是怎么迷上《星球大战》的? - 知乎 (

You can see my ID is astro Artoo!!!


You studied physics first?

Yeah, in this answer, I wrote the experience of four-year at JLU.

在吉林大学就读是怎样一番体验? - 知乎 (


How’re your teeth going?

See this collection:

My orthodontic experiences

医学流水账 - 收藏夹 - 知乎 (

polar bear

polar bear

Other hobbies?

Sci-fic, detective fiction, poor football…..

yeah, this 憨憨 is me.


Let me think of anything else…